Justice Tibulya Appointed to UN Dispute Tribunal
Hon. Lady Justice Tibulya
New York: Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Tibulya, the Deputy Head of Anti-Corruption Division of the High Court,was recently appointed to the United Nations Dispute Tribunal. Hon. Lady Justice Tibulya, who has been a Judge of the High Court of Uganda since 2013, was elected to fill one of four new half time judicial at the Tribunal.
In the elections, which took place on July 7, 2019 in the General Assembly, Hon. Lady Justice Tibulya scored the highest vote of 110 out of 170. Other candidates were from Malawi, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados,Germany, The Netherlands and Brazil.
In a show of further consideration for the Global South and gender sensitivity, the Assembly elected the Malawian (109/170), Trinidadian(101/170) and Barbados (88/170) candidates. Of the four newly elected, three are women.
The Tribunal already has three full time Judges (France,Portugal and Poland) and four half-time judges (Italy, Australia, Nigeria and United States) serving in various UN stations. The position is for anon-renewable term of seven years.
Hon.Lady Justice Tibulya has more than 25 years of judicial experience, including labour and administrative matters. She has served in various capacities,including Chief Magistrate of the Mengo Court that handled administrative and labour related matters (prior to the re-establishment of the Industrial Court in Uganda), as well as Deputy Registrar.
She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Law from Makerere University, Kampala, a Master's Degree in Law from the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and a Master of Business Administration Degree from the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI).
Posted 8th, July 2019